Collection: Construction

We understand the importance of records keeping in the construction business. You shouldn’t have to constantly worry about maintaining organized and detailed logs while taking care of a construction site. That’s why we are offering a collection of log books for construction sites that are designed to make your job easier and quicker.

The Daily Log Book makes the job of a foreman or superintendent significantly easier and more convenient by being the place where job-related notes and information are recorded. We make recording those notes easier, and when it’s easier, your field supervision is much more likely to actually keep complete, regular notes.

By having complete, credible, clear records, you can change “you say vs. I say” into “you say, but I can demonstrate” and that quickly becomes “you say, but I win.”

The Construction & Maintenance Daily Log is the tool to capture and secure jobsite records. The completeness and consistency of jobsite records are the keys to their value in dispute resolution, whether that amounts to a phone call, arbitration, or full-scale litigation.

Why Use a Construction & Maintenance Daily Log?

Accurate, Complete Record Keeping Is Vital!

You need a tool that will get the record keeping done! You need the Construction & Maintenance Daily Log. What can the Daily Log do for you?

  1. Provide a consistent, complete form to record daily activities and events.
  2. Keep all of your job-related notes in one place.
  3. Increase the credibility of your notes in case of arbitration or litigation—a hard-bound log is a legal document.
  4. Keep your notes safe for the entire year—the Daily Log's durability is unsurpassed.

Not sure where to start?

We are here to help!